Aloy's Blog
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Aloysius (Caius)
22 August
same as

Loves: My Band-Leaven, whatever's left of LC, Being [Band Leader], My Ex, my kaki(s), slacking
Pissed At: bimbos, UnLeaven and the people who support it, NS, Myself (somtimes)


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Talk Here...really

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

WHOA!!! FREAKING SIAN ARR!!! Lost all my winnings to my cousin and my gambling god of an uncle! Won a little back in the end...but still made a significant lost. And I still owe Dawn $22 for Cafe Cartel!! wth....this Chinese New Year just isn't my year...SIIIIIGGGHHH!!!!!

I really hate feeling poor last year. I swore to myself never to end up in that state ever again. But I can't help but feel a little poor breeze caressing my skin. gross! Exactly 2 weeks more to my next pay...and looking at my books.....[please wait].....AHUH!! I'm actually doing quite ok! Add in the Chinese New Year red packets....and whoalah!! I feel soooo satisfied. haha. But thinking back on the lost I made, I still feel abit of regret. Regret that I didn't keep my cool and kept betting high. Oh of my young Aunts said I looked quite cool when I play. As in cool and calm. Not act cool. Though...I have to admit that I couldn't help but act cool abit...since I WAS winning money. But later on, I found out that several of my cousins and aunts also found me cool....cooooool. haha.

Finally decided on a date for the CNY get together. Saturday 6pm. Though some of the main people can't come, like Zac, Randall, Fonz, Jean and Andrew, most of us can and prefer it this way. So sorry guys. Oh it's gonna be a Pot Luck thing. So far, I got:

Andrea - Choc Pudding thing
Tessa - Ayam Bua Klak
Verena - Garlic Bread

Crap...just name's not in there. *snigger**snigger*...haha.

Check this song out musicians will def like this song -> For You Blue [The Beatles]

I love my guitar 11:54 pm♥

Monday, January 26, 2009

For a first in a long while, I went to church early today. Took a whole box of oranges home. Well...NObody wanted it!!

Anyway, mass was as usual. Don't really feel anything significant anymore. Is this bad? Is it my fault? Why is it that I sometimes feel that I blame myself for everything...though it's only PARTly my fault? Why am I still single? Is it also my fault? And when credit comes my way...someone else is always there to share it with me!

Went to my maternal grandmother's place for Lunch and a little game of 21. At first, didn't dare be the banker and almost lost about $10. Then I decided to give it a try! You know...since I was already that screwed, might as well give it a try! I ended up breaking even and at the end of the day, I even managed to win a little! I couldn't help but feel accomplished...and I was certainly acting the part. Cuz one of girl cousins was there...she wasn't pretty or seemed interesting...but she was the best there...sadly. I think I ended up winning all her money..haha.

Oh...I wore my new vertically-striped-long-sleeved-but-folded-to-elbow shirt with my slim jeans. And did I look good! To all who saw me today...did I look good or what?! I mean not to sound stuck up or anything. It's just that for me....every small appraisal goes a long way...and I really cherish every single praise I get! Wierd huh? Well...that's me for you.

Why is true love so hard? I think I answered that in my previous entry. It's cuz if you manage to get it, it's an everlasting accomplishment! And you'll cherish it more! Imagine if you're able to get this girl damn she fell for you too easily. You won't feel as much for her as one who's damn difficult to get. But after you get the difficult one, you know you're already a better guy. Think about it.

Favourite song now -> Just Dance [Lady GaGa]
The groove is just head-bangin' killer! Go check it out.
For those Rock'n'Roll dudes. Check this out -> Jimmy Olsen's Blues [Spin Doctors]

I love my guitar 11:59 pm♥

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Not being able to enjoy a totally fine Saturday for me is like....having everything you want in life..but you can't enjoy them cuz you're paralysed on a hospital bed somewhere. But what's MORE screwed up is not being able to enjoy a perfectly fine Saturday...cuz I'm in camp!....Alone!....WTF!!

People are still not getting back to me regarding Jubilate's CNY get together. This is difficult. Seriously. And I don't know what's wrong or what's going on out there. I feel so caged up. So restricted. I wanna do something...but I can't. AND I DON'T KNOW IN THE FREAKIN' HELL WHY!!!! AAAAARRGGGGHHHH!!!! You's only when you're alone can you truly TRULY think and ponder? Think about it...

45mins later...

Ok. People are responding. But now the problem is...not everybody can make it on the same day! Some prefer 27th...others 31st...and apparently, a hand full just don't know what to say! Is there like a difficulty nob on life? Cuz I'd really like to put it to "Easy" for a change! haha. But I'd also like a challenge every now and then. Cuz life will be so meaningless and monotonous without obstacles and problems. Also, without challenges and difficulties, we can never ever accomplish ANYthing! I mean if we don't go through the grueling exams, then what the hell are we gonna put in our resumes?! So yeah...I'm definitely not complaining....just ranting.


I love my guitar 12:23 am♥

Friday, January 23, 2009

Had a half day off to go to SGH for my physiotherapy...and now I'm finally back! Have leave till Wed this coming week too! Long weekend here I come!! Huzzah!! Huzzah!! wait...wait...oh crap. I've got COS duty tomorrow! But at least I get to spend Chinese New Year in with no need to book in to camp!

During the past week, I've been working on 2 songs...both originals. My army mates all say they're really not bad...some gave them 8/10 and above! Jean and her friend gave it 8-9/10. And that's coooool...haha. Well, everyone liked my originals except ONE. My irritatingly-musically-inclined-critic Army jamming buddy. But I've got to say, it was partly cuz of all his merciless comments which led me to keep improving on my songs till they're what they are now. So thanks man...

Trying to plan something for the gang this Chinese New Year. Hope everything goes well...

I love my guitar 5:20 pm♥

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Went to Nanyang Polytechnic today to help out in the ushering. Cuz I'm such a nice guy.

It was really an interesting experience for me as I expended my knowledge of bridging the awkwardness that exists between two strangers. Be it boy or girl. And I've found out that most...most...people will actually open up and try to get along. This has improved me in my position as Social Jubilate. But through this lesson, I've also learnt that I still cannot smile for crap. What a god-gives-and-god-takes moment huh...damn it.

Anyways, I've been pondering and guessing...then thinking and guessing...then dreamt and wished...then thought and reflected...and now I've finally decided. Sadly, it's not going to be how I want things to be. It never has. And might never be. Some things are just not meant to be. Others are just...others. It's just so mixed up and hard to understand only cuz it's not what I want.

I've to be the dude I wish I was. Cuz the dude I am Sigh. How Now Brown Cow?

I love my guitar 11:49 pm♥

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Had an awesome time clubbing @ China One with the happening members of Jublilate. haha. It was the workout of the year for me lah!! haha. Head banging and grooving non-stop till we decided that was enough for the night! haha. Right when we left, something funny/embarrassing happened. If you wanna know...ask anyone of us in person yah? haha. We split (NO the past tense isn't splat...hahaha) up into two groups to hitch a cab back. hahaha. I dunno about Zac and Dawn's group, but MY group, consisting of Randall, Daryl and Tessa, WALKed all the way to Lavender MRT before we FINALLY FINALLY caught a freaking cab!! That crazy Randall was even joking about walking all the way home!! hahaha. Oh...and I would like to applaude Tessa for walking all the way with us wearing HEELs!! We did ask her if she wanted to exchange shoes with one of us...but she refused! *clap**clap*. haha.

When I reached home, I just died on my bed after I showered....again. The feeling was damn shiok I tell you! I was totally gone man!! haha. Couldn't wake up for the New Year's mass just now...sorry guys! I still feel like doing something on this fine New Year's Day, but everyone seemed to have died....hmm. haha. Oh yar...have guard duty this Sat!! OMG!!! super sian...haha.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL again!!!

I love my guitar 4:34 pm♥