Aloy's Blog
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Swee Lee X
Dolphine Street X
Fender X
Build Your Own Strat X
My Band X
78% TRUSTable Tabs X

Aloysius (Caius)
22 August
same as

Loves: My Band-Leaven, whatever's left of LC, Being [Band Leader], My Ex, my kaki(s), slacking
Pissed At: bimbos, UnLeaven and the people who support it, NS, Myself (somtimes)


April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
March 2008
April 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
August 2009



Talk Here...really

Vampires & Werewolves X

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Hi all! It's been quite some time since I last wrote. Well it has been kinda busy and rough for me lately. Lots of events and other stuff have taken place during this time of rush-to-wait, wait-to-rush period. One thing's for sure though. ONE person in particular has stuck close beside me, giving support and encouragement all the way. If by now you still have NO idea who this person is,'s quite obvious! It's none other than my dearest darling Natalie! Smiles and Hugs to the love of my life for sticking by me through the toughest of times! =)

Some say Love is blind. A handful say Love isn't blind. The rest just say...I dunno. Well, I say Love Actually is exactly what each and every individual perceive it is! In a way, Love IS blind, as one finds himself immaculately in love with her...simply because he loves her! In a way, Love ISN'T blind, as one loves her because of the way she is and the things she does! And finally, in a way, Love is so unknown to us that sometimes we find ourselves confused BY Love.

All I know is the two people in the picture above Love each other very much in every way possible. I Love you Nat...I really do. Happy belated 5 months dear.

I love my guitar 2:10 pm♥