Aloy's Blog
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Aloysius (Caius)
22 August
same as

Loves: My Band-Leaven, whatever's left of LC, Being [Band Leader], My Ex, my kaki(s), slacking
Pissed At: bimbos, UnLeaven and the people who support it, NS, Myself (somtimes)


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Talk Here...really

Vampires & Werewolves X

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Just came back from Prata Nite Supper with Nat and the Augster. And apparently, Nat and I think that it has been a looooong time since either of us had any prata! The kosong which I had was absolutely delicious! Despite the overcharged price. We also shared I plate of murtabak-$4, which was effing small! sigh! THE TIMES! I still recall the time not too long ago when a single egg prata would only cost $1 the MOST! Now it costs like $1.60! 40 cents more and it'll be TWICE the old price! sigh! THE TIMES!!

Anyway, was resting my injected arm and back at home the whole day till 4.15pm when
I went out to meet Nat at Orchard. She had her Final Grade Piano Theory Test @ Shangri La Hotel in the afternoon and wanted to walk around in town anyway. Went to Far East and ate Ya Kun for early dinner. She said the kaya toasts were just...ok...but I thought it was damn freaking good! The eggs were not bad too! But they were ALL abit over priced. 4 eggs, 1 cup of hot tea, 1 cup of teh peng, 4 kaya toasts & 4 sugar toasts now cost $9! sigh! THE TIMES!!!

Attended the choir's very own Stations of The Cross with clips from The Passion Of Christ. It was a totally different experience compared to the actual *cough* boring
*cough* Mass. There was alot of Praise & Worship and the BEST part was that we(meaning me) could sing whatever ass parts we(meaning me) wanted!

Afterthat Nat and I took a bus down to the Prata Shop near my place. What happened there, scroll to the top.


I love my guitar 5:10 pm♥

Friday, March 14, 2008

hey guys! I realised that it's been a freakishly long time since I've blogged. Many reasons to it.

1. Not much time.
2. Nothing really to talk about.
3. Don't really feel like it.
4. Lazy.

As most of you know, I'm in the Army like 5 times a week. NOT including the recent weekends when the freaking 5 SIR got activated to go find that stupid Mas Selamat! Guess who had to bloody hell cover Guard Duty for them? Who else but the ONLY stay-in company left behind...HQ 3SIB Signal Company. And THAT my sadly where I'm at now. SIGH. Just the week before last week, I had duty on TUE, WED and FREAKING FRI! could only book out on sat while the rest of my lucky friends waved goodbye on fri evening. Had YET another duty last fri...same shit. Except, I'm the ONLY ass there from the previous fri. SO that means all those who did duty the previous fri could book out on fri...ALL except me.

Then, if that wasn't enough, 5 SIR kena activated...AGAIN! and we're doing the freaking duties...again!!! Like What The Hell lah! The Army doesn't pay us enough. In fact, I have Guard Duty THIS Sat. But recently, my back injury had gotten worse and the sharp pains keep coming and going. Problem is, EVERYone thinks I'm KENGing it!

They put up a new rule that now only Polyclinic and Hospital MCs are allowed. They said simply because we can just BUY a freaking Mc from any PTE Clinics. But the Polyclinics and Hospitals will only give MCs to those who are really sick or injured. So that's what I did! But still! I got this freaking bunkmate who actually thought I was the one who is KENGing so much that the Company put up this new rule...temperary I might add. Freaking pissed now...kena back-stabbed by someone I thought was a OWN buddy! sigh...but never mind that.

In lighter topics, I've not till recently attained this new position in the choir! They're calling it Social Welfare Officer. At first, I thought "hey! this would be a piece of cake! Just talk cock here and there...make sure everyone's happy. Done!" But it's not as simple as I thought. I have to "coax" as many choir bums to go for everything! And if they feel low moral or want to break away, I've to organise something for them SOO interesting, fun and choir related that they'll change their mind.

OK....first thing, I don't know How The Hell to motivate everyone to come for choir...except giving ALL of them damn cool song parts to sing everytime. And the small kids clique? how to get them back??? put a trail of sweets and toffees and lead them all to the choir room and close the doors on them when they step in??? The ONLY thing I can possibly think of is promising them their very own Super Cool mass parts! They seem very very shy around the regulars. Why? Simple! They BOTH like to talk about totally different stuff! One is puberty and chinese pop music, the other virtues of life and bitching. The guys have always been easy though...all WE do is talk cock!

Bottom line is...if we ALL have a good time laughing EVERtime we go for choir, EVERYone will stay. Laughter is the only thing I see which will keep the kids with us as well as the older ones. But here comes another problem. We ALL laugh about freaking different stuff! So the cycle goes on and on and on and on and on...

I'm still thinking on this please give me some time. I've got alot of things on my mind would appreciate the space and absence of too much pressure.

Oh and no hard feelings to any of the girls.

I love my guitar 4:26 pm♥